that’s the atomic power of twitter…

take one infectious enthusiasm of an highly reputable and knowledgeable entity of showbiz on one side, sophisticated globally spread technology to unite and channel interest and affinities on the other, and well, there you have it..a bestseller enjoyed and celebrated by everyone.
if it weren’t for loved celebrities like Stephen and others, a fast growing interest of social technologies and ever developing IT geniuses, we wouldn’t be able to share the great works by brilliant writers all through the entire social community.
if the shrewd aim for profit of publishers means to cash in on the back of the hard earned popularity of publicly celebrated people, but at the same time gives everyone the chance to benefit from the content and the ability to widen their horizon and understanding of issues they were not even remotely interested in before, then – so be it.
its unfair to use quotes without the important value of authenticity.
a policy or terms of use may be suggested… to protect intellectual property, so if its not ’said’ it won’t be quoted.
but if the quote is genuine and true, it would be a shame to leave it off the book cover to prevent a sudden rise of sales.
the sudden rise of interest, and the acquired knowledge after consumption is far to valuable to the delicate scaffolding of our global society called common sense.
ref. blog entry by Stephen Fry